
Come and experience our residents good life for yourself. Join a personal tour.


Come and experience our residents good life for yourself. Join a personal tour.

Events at Palace

Curious about us and our homes? Would you like to feel the unique Palace atmosphere, see our high-end facilities and welcoming apartments for yourself and experience our activities?

We believe there is nothing like first-hand experience. Join us for a tour and breakfast to gain a taste of our residents’ good life.

Come and experience our residents’ good life for yourself. Join a personal tour.

האירוע הבא בפאלאס מודיעין

עזריאלי פאלאס מודיעין
יום ב׳ 28.2.2023 | 18:30

לורם איפסום דולור סיט אמט, קונסקטורר אדיפיסינג אלית סחטיר בלובק. תצטנפל בלינדו למרקל אס לכימפו, דול, צוט ומעיוט